Tuesday, September 16, 2008

one word.

Thank you so much for the overwhelming support and interest in my last post. I seriously am so happy that I can help others in similar situations! I plan on posting more "life" posts like the previous one.

But for now, I don't have much "material" for a new post since work and life has picked up pace. I'll leave you with this one-word post that I snagged from The Rauth's:

one word answers.

Your hair? curly
Your mother? smart
Your father? thoughtful
Your favorite thing? home
Your dream last night? weird
Your dream/goal? happiness
Your favorite drink? diet
The room you're in? work
Your ex? lame
Your hobby? internet
Your fear? accidents
Where do you want to be in 6 years? successful
Where were you last night? home
What you're not? trendy
Muffins? pumpkin
One of your wish list items? j.crew
Time? afternoon
Where you grew up? texas
The last thing you did? meeting
Favorite weather? breezy
What are you wearing? jeans
Your favorite book? donno
Your TV? lots
Your pet? Char
Your computer? apple
Your mood? hungry
Missing someone? family
Your car? dirty
Something you're not wearing? lipstick
Favorite store? online
Love someone? committed
Your favorite color/shade? gray
Last thing you ate? pretzels
Your life? lucky
Your friends? quality
What are you thinking right now? secret
What are you doing at this moment? typing
Your summer: fast
Your relationship status: married
What do you do when you can't sleep? daydream
When is the last time you laughed? today
Last time you cried? recently

You're turn!


  1. Yeah! Glad you're back (I'm a lurker from the nest!)cause I love your blog!!!

  2. this was fun I also did it on my blog and linked you back!


THANK YOU for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate each and every comment.