Friday, September 5, 2008

Bad Day.

As I was leaving the house this morning to head off to work I noticed a puddle of water at the end of our driveway. I didn't think much of it, I figured one of the sprinkler heads may have popped off. When my eyes followed where the water was coming from, it kept heading up our lawn until I saw THIS:

A HUGE mound in our lawn. Nope, that is not a natural hill in our front yard.... that lump is completely raised by water. It's a busted water line.

Here is our lovely yard right now, as the plumber is in the process of fixing it.

NOT a good way to start the weekend! I can only try and think positively - at least the water didn't bust inside the home.


  1. wow your grass was like carpet! and i didn't know water could swell like that!

    well - you are right - it could have been WAY worse. my parents had a mini flood once (or twice) and it was MAJOR repair & major money to boot.

    Hope you have a better weekend!

  2. Ugh! Don't you just love when days start out like this

    Hope your weekend gets better!

  3. Crazy! Your weekend will definitely be better!

  4. What a way to start off the day, let a lone a weekend =( Hope the problem gets fixed!

  5. Yuck, so sorry you had to deal with that. I'm glad that it's outside, but fun. Hope your weekend looks up!

  6. Aw, Bryn I am so sorry this has happened!!

    At least it's fixable doll! Good thing it didn't disrupt Casa De La Bryn right!?!

    You'll be in my thoughts! Let us know how it goes!

  7. Girl... boy do I UNDERSTAND! One of my blogs is about how when we had our stamped concrete laid, the worker left CONCRETE all over everything in our back porch... including the screens -- Does concrete come off easily? I think not... I hope you found some humor in it all to lighten up your day ;0)

  8. No fun! And take it from a plumber's wasn't fun for the plumber either!

  9. Yuck, so sorry you had to deal with that. I'm glad that it's outside, but fun. Hope your weekend looks up!

  10. No fun! And take it from a plumber's wasn't fun for the plumber either!

  11. Aw, Bryn I am so sorry this has happened!!

    At least it's fixable doll! Good thing it didn't disrupt Casa De La Bryn right!?!

    You'll be in my thoughts! Let us know how it goes!

  12. Ugh! Don't you just love when days start out like this

    Hope your weekend gets better!


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