Sunday, August 31, 2008


Here are some pictures from the first two days of our three day weekend....

I started Saturday by getting back into my painting - I forgot how much I love it. I enjoy doing houses a lot (I'm doing a series for the in-laws), but I can't wait to start painting still life.

I spent most of today painting my Craigslist chairs... and I got done was the primer :/ I have a feeling I'll be borrow Sterin's spray paint gun tomorrow.

Char tuckered out from an eventful day..

A little background on this picture - Char has a little history of running when she sees a glimpse of freedom, and we have had a history of being really bad about making her wear her collar. Recently, I ordered a custom embroidered collar for Char from here. Matt rolled his eyes at my purchase, as he usually does about many of my purchases.

WELL. I would have paid all of our life savings for that collar today - Char escaped and ran away for a good half an hour! We didn't even know... she strolled out to the backyard to do her business, and we thought she was just chilling back there. Nope, the gate was for some reason open and she made a break for it. Matt and I were freaking out when we finally realized, and I said "thank GOD we got that collar and actually put it on her!" But still we drove around (in separate cars) looking for her.

Well thankfully someone in our neighborhood called us.. "Do you have a dog named Charlotte?" Matt got the call while I was still on the search; there was Char in the backyard of someone's home wagging her tail getting pets from two little girls. Bad Girl! But I'm so thankful for that collar today.

After the scare with Char, we relaxed and I enjoyed one of these; there aren't too many days of summer left, I need to drink up my lime flavored beer before red wine season comes :)

The weekend has been pretty productive, but I still have a to-do list hanging on the fridge for tomorrow.

Hopefully I will have time to post another update to see if I got all my to-do's done!


  1. those chairs are gonna look fantastic - good job already! Did you pick the fabric out already? Please post pics when you finish - I am dying for a good before/after :)

  2. Our pup likes to run for his freedom too - I've spent many mornings chasing him down when he figures out how to sneak out. Good idea - we might be looking into that.

  3. Sweet Jesus you're productive - I considered it an accomplishment that I went to the grocery store!

  4. The chairs look great! I'm so glad you found Char!

  5. loving the chairs! what a great find!

  6. Oh--what a scare. That is one of my very worse fears is to lose our dog.

    So glad honest people called you and returned her. : )

  7. Oh--what a scare. That is one of my very worse fears is to lose our dog.

    So glad honest people called you and returned her. : )

  8. Sweet Jesus you're productive - I considered it an accomplishment that I went to the grocery store!

  9. those chairs are gonna look fantastic - good job already! Did you pick the fabric out already? Please post pics when you finish - I am dying for a good before/after :)


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