Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Earth Rattling

It was crazy feeling the earthquake today, but both Matt and I are okay. Matt was actually in Chino Hills when it hit (where it originated), and was in the car at the time. He could see all the cars and stoplights shaking.

I was at work 20 miles from where it originated, and our building shook pretty badly. All the native Californians ran to door frames, and all the non-natives sat at our desks dumb founded (including me). I need to really learn how to act fast when one starts because you never know how big and/or long it will be.

It was a pretty mediocre earthquake, but it was definitely the biggest I have ever felt and it's a rude awakening when you least expect it!

You can check out the story here.

I do have to add I have the best husband in the world; when he got home from work he assured me my art frames were still in tact. I hadn't even thought of that! He knows me too well...

Update - I found this interesting video on cnn.com, the building I work in looks very similar to this, and this was recorded during today's earthquake in the same city I work in:


  1. I'm so glad you guys are fine. It scared the heck out of my sister!

  2. I'm glad you guys are okay. Hope the quake didn't cause too much damage.

  3. Glad you and Matt are safe and sound, Bryn!

  4. So scary! I'm glad you're okay! And I'm happy to hear you didn't have any damage to your home, either. That's good news.

    BTW--I tagged you over on my blog if you're interested in playing along!

  5. Glad you and Matt are safe and sound, Bryn!

  6. I'm glad you guys are okay. Hope the quake didn't cause too much damage.


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