Thursday, July 31, 2008

Things Loved in July

I'm yanking this cute idea straight from G&D (go check out her blog, it rocks!). These are the things that I loved in July...

1.) Seeing my mom!! I had such a great time with her when she came out here, I hope it's something we can continue to do often! (Although with the price of airline tickets lately, who knows...)

2.) Anything blue.... because (how did I not blog about this???) we found out Sterin is having a BOY!!! I was with her when they did one of her 3 ultrasounds this month, and it was such a great experience. I'm so glad she let me tag along!

I'm also loving the adorable bedding she picked out:

3.) I loved Ikea this month, and I am dreaming about these two chairs:

4.) Wine - we picked up our first shipment of our wine club membership, and I love having good (local!) wine around the house.

5.) Spicy Chicken Wings - okay so I'm not proud about this one, but we have absolutely been LOVING the spicy chicken wings at our favorite local joint Wing Star Pizza. We've been there every Friday this month... :-/ We even made it on to their website with Char being the main attraction:


  1. Those are all good reasons, but yay for Char making the Wing site! :)

  2. you've been tagged! check my blog for more details. :)

  3. Thanks so much for making me #1!! It was definitely my #1 too! Love, Mom

  4. Your right local wineries are the best, especially in CA.

  5. Thanks so much for making me #1!! It was definitely my #1 too! Love, Mom

  6. Those are all good reasons, but yay for Char making the Wing site! :)


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