Monday, July 7, 2008

Back to the daily grind...

Having a three day weekend was so great! We had a fun Fourth, grilling with Sterin then walking to lake from our house with our dogs to catch the fireworks. I'm so glad there is somewhere within walking distance to watch fireworks, and extra nice that they are free!

I'd say the day was a success, until at 10:30 we found our dreadful neighbors shooting off illegal fireworks. Matt's blackberry was in our room so I told him to pull it out to capture the irony of the situation:

Did I sound bitter? haha! Normally I wouldn't mind at all - hey we are cool 20-somethings, why would we be bothered by some illegal fireworks? (despite the fact that they were terribly loud at 11 p.m. when ironically they called the cops on us at 8 p.m. for playing Rock Band)....

But besides the Rock Band incident, it was a little unnerving that they were shooting off illegal fireworks considering this is what our town looked like just months earlier:

The Santiago Fires, Oct 2007.

Other than that annoying little stunt our weekend was great!

And on a side note - I experienced something little that just confirmed that Matt and I are perfect for each other.... He spent all day Thursday watching a series On Demand (Californacation, Showtime, VERY GOOD) while I was at work. While Matt was off-roading with Steve all day Saturday, I did the same thing, watched the entire season start to finish. It's amazing how we still enjoy doing the same thing, even when we aren't together :)


  1. Hi! I found your blog through my friend Kristal and I really enjoy reading! Just saying hello :o)

  2. I love that you took a video, I would have done the exact same thing! Your commentary is the best part, though.

    I've been reading faithfully for a couple months (fellow Nestie), but finally got up the courage to comment. Love your blog.

  3. LOL! Love your tone of voice in the video. I would have sounded the same way--those hippocrates.

  4. Hi! I found your blog through my friend Kristal and I really enjoy reading! Just saying hello :o)

  5. LOL! Love your tone of voice in the video. I would have sounded the same way--those hippocrates.


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