Monday, June 23, 2008


Remember back in the day (okay a couple months ago) I would post once, sometimes twice a day? I miss those days.

My current days (especially work) are so busy now, my blog has suffered. I also need to do one of two things:

1. Find my point-and-shoot camera charger.
2. Remember to get MIL's connector cord for her SLR.

Once I do one of those, my posts will be much better (with pictures). But while I'm here writing a post, I'll do a Cliff Notes version of an update:

  • Vegas was fun! It was fun hanging with the guys, and especially getting some quality fun time with my Matt (including a riveting game of bowling and beer).
  • Work has been busy, challenging but also rewarding.
  • I have a new boss who is Taiwanese; she has introduced me to some amazing new foods:

These googled images are examples of all the amazing new things I have eaten with her thus far.... the bottom image is Korean tofu pot, which I have loved for a while now but I've gotten to eat it a lot more now!
  • My mom is coming out from Texas mid July - I'm very excited!
  • Ruth Chris is having a amazing Summer special right now - $89 for a couple, we are going with Sterin Saturday night.
  • Matt is officially 1/4th a century old... his birthday was Friday, Happy Birthday M!
That is all I have for now, I hope to have more consistent (maybe even daily?) updates soon.


  1. hmmm.... matt is 1/4th of a decade, how are those terrible two's working out? (love you bryn - dad)

  2. Mmmm, love that noodle soup. That was my comfort meal my mom would make when I'd come home from college.
    I love posts like these w/ little updates on life!

  3. Yummy! You're making me hungry!

  4. hmmm.... matt is 1/4th of a decade, how are those terrible two's working out? (love you bryn - dad)


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